Checklist for planning your next meeting in Colombo

meeting venues colombo

An exciting new project coming up at work? Does it require a brainstorming session away from the office? Are you looking for a place to hold a press conference, or event of some kind? Or do you just need a space to hold an important meeting with business contacts in order to close a new deal? Whatever the reason, here are some tips on planning your next meeting in Colombo.

1. What is the purpose of the meeting?

Days or preferably weeks before the meeting, you should focus on what the purpose is. Is it simply to brainstorm? Will you be meeting business contacts from other companies? Or is it a public event that the press and others will be invited to? The rest of your planning process hinges on identifying this right at the start, so that you can proceed accordingly. For example, if it’s a brainstorm session, what is the outcome that you want? Once you’ve figured what kind of approach you need to take, you can go about booking the place you want to have it at. There are many meeting venues in Colombo, and finding the one that fits your needs is your next priority.

2. Which meeting venue is good for me?

Sometimes a small, cosy and classic meeting room is best for a meeting. Sometimes a larger one with a great view is just what the mind needs to stimulate itself. The time of day that you are planning to have the meeting also counts when you’re choosing your location. Look for something that fits the purpose of your meeting, and you’re ready to get to the next thing on your agenda.

3. Prepare an agenda

This is essential in order to have a smooth, productive meeting. Write it down and send it in an email to everyone involved in the planning process. This is linked to assigning roles – make sure everyone knows exactly what they have to do. Delegate so that the meeting can go off without a hitch and everyone can perform their assigned role.

4. Communication is key

Convey to the meeting place everything that you need, from electrical equipment to amenities such as water bottles, notebooks and pens. Whether the place is providing them or you are, you really need to let everyone know what you expect of them.

5. If it’s an event – visit the space prior to the meeting

If the meeting is a public event, then it’s best to visit the room or hall before booking it to ensure that its dimensions and set up is what you are looking for.

6. Invite the attendees

Of course, don’t forget to invite the ones who will be attending the meeting! Properly convey to them what the meeting is about, and tailor the invitation according to what purpose the attendee serves. For example, if it’s a simple brainstorm session then an email will do. If it’s a press conference then the invitations need more information. If you are inviting business contacts, then it should be worded hospitably and warmly, ensuring that your guests feel welcome and comfortable enough to engage in weighty matters.

7. Prepare your material

Most meetings will require some sort of media that needs to be prepared, whether copies of the agenda to hand out or power point presentations that will be presented to the company present. Make sure to prepare all the material required, and send it across digitally if necessary, or prepare physical copies if that’s what you prefer to do. Make sure your power point presentation or video is well made so that no issues occur on the day of the meeting.

8. It’s the day! Arrive early

Rather than being on time, it’s best to be early if you are hosting the meeting. Nothing is more impolite than a host showing up late to their own meeting! Arriving early also enables you to do a quick rundown of everything you have planned, and make sure the venue is up to standard. Examine the placement of notebook and pens, if you are using those, and make sure the room is arranged the way you want it.

9. Last minute check – Test the equipment!

Few things are more frustrating than technical difficulties. Check and recheck any electrical equipment you are planning to use, including mikes, computers, projectors, remotes, and even the air conditioner, so that everything will go off without a hitch!